Basic Usage

nmap <target> 
  • IP address, hostname, or range (e.g.,,,
  • Performs a simple scan, listing open ports and their corresponding services.

Scan Specific Ports

nmap -p <port_range> <target> 
  • -p <port_range>: Specify ports (e.g., 80, 1-100, 22,80,443).
  • Scans only the specified ports.

Service Version Detection

nmap -sV <target> 
  • -sV: Detects version information of services running on open ports.

OS Detection

nmap -O <target> 
  • -O: Attempts to detect the operating system of the target.

Aggressive Scan

nmap -A <target> 
  • -A: Performs OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute.

Stealth Scan (SYN Scan)

nmap -sS <target> 
  • -sS: Performs a stealthy TCP SYN scan.

UDP Scan

nmap -sU <target>
  • -sU: Scans for open UDP ports.

Scan Multiple Targets

nmap <target1> <target2> ... <targetN> 
  • Scan multiple targets separated by spaces.

Scan Entire Network

nmap <network_range> 
  • <network_range>: Specify a range (e.g.,
  • Scans all IPs within the specified range.

Disable DNS Resolution

nmap -n <target> 
  • -n: Disables DNS resolution for faster scanning.

Timing and Performance

nmap -T<0-5> <target> 
  • -T<0-5>: Adjusts timing template (0=slowest, 5=fastest).

Save Scan Results to File

nmap -oN <filename> <target>
  • -oN: Saves the output in a normal format.
  • -oX: Saves the output in XML format.
  • -oG: Saves the output in a grepable format.

Scan with a Custom Script

nmap --script <script_name> <target> 
  • —script <script_name>: Runs the specified NSE script (e.g., http-title).

Scan for Specific Service

nmap -p <port> --script <service_name> <target> 
  • —script <service_name>: Runs a script related to a specific service (e.g., ssl-cert on port 443).

Scan for Vulnerabilities

nmap --script vuln <target> 
  • —script vuln: Runs multiple scripts to detect vulnerabilities.


nmap --traceroute <target> 
  • —traceroute: Performs traceroute to map the path packets take to reach the target.

Scan a List of Targets from a File

nmap -iL <file_name> 
  • -iL <file_name>: Scans targets from a specified list in a file.

Evade Firewall/IDS

nmap -D <decoy_IP1>,<decoy_IP2>,<target>
  • -D: Uses decoys to hide the real source of the scan.